
The Maycomb Tribune

Is Racial Prejudice causing destructive behavior in adults?

Is it affecting children?


Little Scout Finch stops lynch mob cold in their tracks!

Late on a summer night Tom Robinson was moved to the Maycomb jail, Tom Robinson’s lawyer Atticus Finch was outside the county jail watching over Tom Robinson, the convicted man of rape. A group of men who created a lynch mob showed up later a few hours. . The men consisted of Mr. Cunningham and Heck Tate along with a few other men. They demanded to let Tom Robinson out so they could get vigilante justice but were stopped dead cold in their tracks. Scout Finch jumps through the smelly group of men onto the steps where Atticus was standing, in front of the Maycomb Jail. Jem Finch and Dill Harris Baker soon followed along. Scout Finch talked long and hard to one of the men when they finally went back to their cars and drove away.

The Tom Robinson case is becoming to be dangerous, if it puts children’s lives in front of a lynch mob with guns and alcohol, this could cause lasting effects on children of that age. If racial segregation and prejudice did not exist towards blacks, lynch mobs would not exist to put children’s lives in danger.

Blacks are a bad influence on young white children says whites in Maycomb County. With lynch mobs it teaches blacks not to disrespect whites or do what we don’t like. Tom Robinson is just like hem raping a white woman.

An accused rape is just as bad as a group of men getting together drunk with guns. Anything could have happened to Scout Finch or any of the children caught up in the lynch mob, they could’ve stopped at nothing to get Tom Robinson.

If a child’s safety isn’t your top priority then what is?

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