How Much I Think I Will Change in 10 Years

In the next ten years I think I will change a lot. I believe I will change a lot because it’s ten years from now and I have no clue where I will be in ten years, where ever I will be it will affect the way I think and what I do. The location of where I’ll be, the people I will hang around will all have an affect on me on how much I will change in ten years. With that said it will changer my personality too.  If I were to live in Europe the people there will be in to different things and I will be around those people so I will start listening to some of the music they like or eating some of the same food they eat and this will all change me in the next ten years. I think what depends on how much you change is what you will be doing in ten years from now.

What I’m Thankful For

I am thankful for my family and my dad. I am thankful for my dad going into the military to give us the life that we have now. I am thankful for all the soldiers fighting for us and all the veterans that did fight for us and sacrificed their lives for us. I am thankful for the food I have and for the life my parents are able to give me. I am thankful for the education I am getting because I know there are people in the world who are not able to go to school and are  not allowed. I  am thankful for all the people who do things to change my life in a positive way everyday.


The Maycomb Tribune

Is Racial Prejudice causing destructive behavior in adults?

Is it affecting children?


Little Scout Finch stops lynch mob cold in their tracks!

Late on a summer night Tom Robinson was moved to the Maycomb jail, Tom Robinson’s lawyer Atticus Finch was outside the county jail watching over Tom Robinson, the convicted man of rape. A group of men who created a lynch mob showed up later a few hours. . The men consisted of Mr. Cunningham and Heck Tate along with a few other men. They demanded to let Tom Robinson out so they could get vigilante justice but were stopped dead cold in their tracks. Scout Finch jumps through the smelly group of men onto the steps where Atticus was standing, in front of the Maycomb Jail. Jem Finch and Dill Harris Baker soon followed along. Scout Finch talked long and hard to one of the men when they finally went back to their cars and drove away.

The Tom Robinson case is becoming to be dangerous, if it puts children’s lives in front of a lynch mob with guns and alcohol, this could cause lasting effects on children of that age. If racial segregation and prejudice did not exist towards blacks, lynch mobs would not exist to put children’s lives in danger.

Blacks are a bad influence on young white children says whites in Maycomb County. With lynch mobs it teaches blacks not to disrespect whites or do what we don’t like. Tom Robinson is just like hem raping a white woman.

An accused rape is just as bad as a group of men getting together drunk with guns. Anything could have happened to Scout Finch or any of the children caught up in the lynch mob, they could’ve stopped at nothing to get Tom Robinson.

If a child’s safety isn’t your top priority then what is?

The Murder of Emmett Till

1.) Keith Beauchamp and Stanley Nelson helped with the re-opening of the Emmett Till case because they re-opened peoples eyes about the forgotten murder and with Stanley Nelsons award winning film about Emmett Tills murder and Keith Beauchamp’s unfinished documentary of the murder they showed people and police authorities of new information of the murder that has not been seen before, at least ten new people were suspects instead of the original two.

2.) The controversial decision Emmett Till’s mother made during his funeral was for his casket to open for all of the thousands of African Americans to see, how bad his body was brutally beat and disfigured and unreconizable his body was after a group of white men mirdered him after Emmett whistled at a white women. This decision showed African Americans and whites in the north how bad the south was and how they were treating African Americans which eventually lead up to the spark of the civil rights movement.

3.) Mrs. Mobley told Mr. Beauchamp that he is “about to grab a rattlesnake by the tail”. He grew close to Mrs. Mobley and a cousin of Emmetts that was staying with him before he was abducted and brutally murdered.

The most inspirational person in my life

The most inspirational  person in my life is my family and my friends. My friends and family help me through thought times when I’m muddle they help me out of it. They are very opinionated which is helpful sometimes and they have never relinquished me. They help me get through dilemmas  and they admonish and give me advice. Some of my friends are cumbersome and that’s what I like about them, they are circumspect when I’m not feeling good or when I’m in a bad mood. When I’m not feeling well they try to salvage the happiness and no matter how many times you say you don’t want their help they are unbridled and help you anyway. They keep me efface when I’m not my best.

What I fear the most

What I fear the most is scary delimma and I am efface and muddle and the event is a perennial but it’s spasmodic at the same time and in my mind I am cumbersome  and water is diffused every where in the ocean and I’m so far under the surface of the water and there’s nothing I can do  but to relinquish  and the water is so unbridled so strong pulling me deeper and deeper under until there is nothing left to salvage of my cold dead body.

I am lifeless and wet and there’s no one there to comfort me.

A Mix Tape of My Life

This means so much to me because it is the song of America, and it represents freedom for everyone.  My dad was in the Marines and  he fought for this country and I would not want to live in any other place than the United States of America.  I appreciate all that they did for me and this country, without them we would be in a total different place. This song is a mix tape of my life because with out the song and the people who fought for this country I most likely will not be sitting here today.

10/6/16 First Crush

My first crush was a girl from fifth grade in California when I was ten and eleven. I remember we started teaching the kids in kindergarten to read and we would read to them and while I was reading to this kid or we were coloring I do not remember, but this girl came up to me and started talking to me and I was thinking why is she talking to me I do not like you, but she pointed to this girl who was her best friend and said she likes you and thinks you are cute and I was just like okay what do you want and she said do you like her back and I did so that’s when we started “dating” for two years in fifth and sixth grade.

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